Thursday, February 19, 2009

Drilling a well in Haiti

Here is a picture of the first well that we were blessed to be able to have drilled in Haiti. It was installed at a school and is used by the school and families in the surrounding area.

Give A Drop

Here is another website to check out for donating to the cause of clean, safe drinking water.

When you donate here you get drop on the website with your initials and a short bit of info.

Check it out, pretty cool.

World Water Week

Found this information in a magazine and thought you would find it interesting. This is VERY COOL!

World Water Week is March 22-28.

"It sounds astonishing, but giving one dollar to UNICEF helps ensure that a child can access clean, safe drinking water for 40 days. To make a contribution, visit a restaurant participating in the Tap Project during World Water Week, and donate $1 for the tap water you'd usually get for free. For a list of participating restaurants nationwide (or additional information) log on to"

Think about it for $1 (less than a pack of Orbit gum, less than a 20 ounce soft drink, less than a bottle of water at the convenience get the picture) you can give water to a child for over a month. My wife and I go out to eat a few times a month and the week of World Water Week we will definitely be finding a participating restaurant in our area. Go have a good time, some good food, and give so others can have just a little bit of what we take for granted.

When you go to the Tap Project website to find a restaurant you will not that most are just in large cities...BUT DON'T LET THAT STOP YOU FROM DONATING!!!! There is a link to make a donation online...please join me in making a small difference in the lives of kids.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Our Jewelry is Featured on a New Website

I've Been Spotted on IndieSpotting

Check out this website for cool things. We currently have one of our bracelets on this site. Click over and give them some support.